Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Best Laid Plans, or Whatever


I'm proud to report that my mission is nearly accomplished.  Three months of slinging fried fish and frozen margaritas on Cape Cod have been a boon to my bank account and i'm now on the cusp of my New York move, i.e. the big one, i.e. the moment i've been anxiously awaiting for my entire life.  I'm about to fling myself into the unfathomable whirl of my dreams, about to begin climbing the towering ladder of my aspirations, and all sorts of other hyperbolic metaphors.  Romanticization aside, i'm moving and there's work involved.  Work that i've barely begun thinking about.  Work like planning an exact move date and renting a U-Haul.  Important things like finding a place to live and a job.  Oh sure, i brought out the boxes and mentally packed them, deciding which box would be for what.  And i've perused Craigslist.  And i gave my notice at work.  And, i know what needs doing.  (That's an important step!)  Unfortunately, i'm facing a bit of a catch-22 situation.  I need to live in the city to have a job and it seems as though i'll need a job before i can find a place to rent so that i can live in the city.  Fun, eh?  I'm not worried though.  My friends Shoshanna & Kyle have benevolently offered me a place to crash for a time and i'll just have to begin the job seeking and house hunting once i get there.  Plus, i think destiny may be at work, or something.

I'm not a complete slacker though; i have been preparing myself in other ways less tangible, but, i think, equally as important.  I've begun spiritual preparations.  Laugh if you must, deride me if you feel the impulse, but this move is more than a milestone.  Living in New York City is what i've spent the past decade dreaming of, writing about, & toiling towards.  The U-Haul, boxes, & endless to do lists may be necessary to deliver my possessions to the city, but my aim is not to merely reside there, but to exist there, to fully inhabit my New York life, an endeavor which requires far more than planning, an endeavor which requires Poetry.  So i've revisited Angels in America, queued up New York on my Netflix, & picked up some Walt Whitman:

As with any burgeoning love affair, i've flung my self fully into the fantasy & history of my new lover, to consume of it as much as i might before it consumes me.  And it will.  It has already begun.

Update:  I began this post last week, but injured my back and couldn't complete it till now.  Don't worry, i've since begun planning the nuts & bolts of my move.  Sept 12th is the date–somewhat ironic, no?


inflammatory writ said...

do you know where you are living yet???

TheEmpressIsIn said...

no ma'am. the apartment search will commence next week. i'm hoping for Clinton Hill, which i love, but probably Brooklyn either way. know anyone looking for a roomie?

carrie murphy said...

i'm so happy and excited for you, michael! miss youuuuuu