Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Exacerbating Idiocy


I think you may be onto something here, Connie M. Meskimen. Those goddamn lilly white liberals. Their so called seasonal affective disorders have nothing to do with lack of sunlight, but with all the time they spend curled up in a closet worrying about the so called Global Warming theory of the liberal wing of the liberal sciences. But, really!, it's their damn ikea sun lamps, liberally leaking artificial UV rays and gamma radiation that are warming the atmosphere, not my friend Joe, the oil tycoon. He's a real good guy. Oh, yeah, and i hear that farms that grow arugula, for which there's a huge demand in the liberal section of whole foods, release three times as much CO2 in a year as all humankind!!!

(I found the preceding gem on My Inflammatory Writ)

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